Friday 31 July 2015

A Couple Nights in Austria

Well, Austria has come and gone for me. I only had one full day in Vienna, which for me at the moment was just fine. My hostel was good. I stayed at the Wombats hostile lounge. It was very easy to get to (I'm becoming a champ at the underground and public transportation!)

On a first impression basis: The elevator was super slow, and hiking up several flights of stairs to get to my room was exhausting, the bathroom was dingy but the room in general was pretty nice and comfortable and safe feeling. Each person has a locker, but mine was broken. Luckily I keep my super important things with me, so by all means thief's, take my dirty clothes! The wifi was very shotty, and worked well maybe half the time, luckily there was a cafe a few doors down with fantastic wifi. There was a fan in the room so with the windows open and fan going at night it was extremely nice to sleep. The street is also a little dingy feeling, but if you walk down a few ways it gets nicer and better with shopping and such. All around, pretty good hostile, will probably recommend.

Other than that my time in Vienna was nice. Beautiful buildings. I did a walking tour with a couple girls from my hostile to see the city, and then we walked around ourselves. I think I'm just ready to be by the water, so its hard for me to embrace what these cities have to offer me.

I got to see a lot of Vienna in a short amount of time, thanks to the walking tours. I HIGHLY recommend any walking tour if your traveling because its a great way to know what your looking at, and find your way around a city and get yourself familiar with where your staying.

These are the great things I saw, that I can remember:
Opera house
Spanish riding school/michaelerplatz
St. Stephens cathedral
Schronbrunn palace
Zanoni Eissalon Garda (best ice cream, conveniently placed across the street from my hostel)
And of course I had some schnitzel!

Fun fact: You will see on some of the crossing signs, there will be a man and a man or two girls with a heart. They did this to show that they support gay marriage. Cutest thing ever!

All in all Vienna was nice, I may come back to spend a few days on another trip, to go to the markets and some other cool things, which there are some great things to do here, but I'm now off to Budapest!
Budapest is only a 2 hour bus from Vienna! Score! Shortest bus to a different country I've taken so far!!

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