Thursday 16 July 2015

The wheels on the bus go round and round.....forever...

Got to my bus in Canterbury bright and early. I could have taken the bus to the station and slept in a bit longer, but after seeing some extra poundage I somehow acquired I decided to walk the 25 minutes with all my stuff. Also knowing I would be sitting the rest of the day, walking was a good choice.

The Many Faces of the Bus Station:

Balding man- the bus driver was headed off the bus for a quick second and signaled the man to get on and swipe his card. The man did so and it went read indicating he's out of money on his bus card. Baldilocks hesitated and stutter as if to get on the bus anyway and screw the system, but surprisingly turning out the door of the bus, letting another woman pass and dug out some money to pay in coins. Faith in humanity restored once again.

Dapper Gentleman- suits, ties, slacks and jackets. Clean cut and styled hair with the beautiful man scruff on almost all the men passing... My paradise of handsome men... Now if only they would whisk me off and feed me milkshakes under a palm tree.....

Curious Connie- this is the name I gave the woman sitting 5 people down from me on the bench. The woman, who out of boredom, becomes curious of anything that crosses her peripheral vision. Smelling the tiny bulbs that showed the ground in a gust of wind. Itsy bitsy pale greenish yellow bulbs that looked like tiny ballerina skirts. Why? Curiosity struck and told this lady 'hey smell that, lets see what thats all about.'

uniformed children- no more than 13 years of age, they walked or ran to catch the coach to learn something new that would one day flutter back into their minds to ignite a passion for a career. Each kid adding some.sort of their own personality slyly to their proper uniform. Messy hair, head bands, bangles. All very slight as not to disturb the clean, cookie cutter look of their blazers, skits, tights, trousers, and pale blue button up shirts. I suspect uniform enforcement is tight at their school.

well I though it was going to be a boring bus ride, but to keep this story short, a man and woman with the Rasta accent got to the check point in Dover where we had to get our passports punched. The woman, quite normal.looking I would say got denied. The man however, a man with dreads down to his mid calve, missing tooth and grubby clothes passed. The woman need a visa or something random and didn't have one. The man was NOT happy, huffing and puffing , yelling on the bus, saying things that sounded like he may have castes a spell on us... (Maybe that's why my bus was 2 and a half hours late..... That's for sure it... Damn him). He was getting a bit ridiculous, but considering his stature, I knew if I was called in to action I could definitely take him. Although now that I think of it, maybe not because his dreadlocks really grossed me out... That would have been my kryptonite in that fight for sure.

met a couple cool British dudes on the bus, helped them picked out some new shades on the ferry, and was brutally honest in telling them that the ones they chose were stupid, ugly, and WAYY too small for their head.. They bought a different pair after that. After we finally got to Brussels (thank god) I exchanged numbers with them because they invited me to a festival. We will see when and if I go, depending on where it is and what I already have planned.

so now its super dark out and I have to navigate my hostile check in zone, which the boys and their ride helped me with.. They didn't just give me a ride though which was dumb, obviously I was struggling, I appreciated the look up of directions on the phone but I mean seriously,.. You could have just drove me. Non the less I found it and checked in and met a wonderful Colombian girl named Sylvia who was on my bus and headed to the same hostile so we walked together. (were taking the walking tour of the city tomorrow together. Yay new friends!) as we walked to the hostile they had ping ping tables and bocce ball lanes bolted into the street! People were playing and having a great time.. Keep in mind that its 11pm..

well when I turned into the square it was MAGNIFICENT! So gorgeous I felt like I was surrounded by a castle! It was all lit up! I can't wait to see what Brussels has for me. I already like it and I've only seen it at night

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