Monday 20 July 2015

Onward to the land of marijuana and hookers! Amsterdam bound!

Silvia and i woke up and headed to the bus station because today we made it to the land where drugs are as common as fish in water and being a hooker is as normal of a job as a bus driver!

okay but honestly i was very worried to come to Amsterdam alone, so im so happy Silvia and i are doing this together. why? you may ask, well drugs scare me and meth and cocaine, shrooms and heroine is just as common as marijuana here. Now the mary-jane doesn't freak me out cause that just a plant, who cares, but the other stuff, that had me worried. don't know why seeing as i would run the other way at even the mention of it. I think the fact that the main thing this place is known for is drugs and hookers and pick pockets, or at least thats all people talk about anyway had me quite worried. Even though this place had plenty of other things and sites to see doing it alone knowing that crazy stuff was here made me nervous.

safe to say that i made it, and i love it!! Right when we got here it was great. in the main entrance of the train station there was a piano, sitting on a slightly raised platform that read in a circular motion `Show your talent´ and a young guy was sitting there playing amazing music! as soon as he was done the crowd that accumulated around him clapped and he rushed back to his bags to catch his train. Then another guy got on the piano and started play ´mirrors´and singing too, he was amazing! it was such a low key but awesome experience!

after that we got to our hostile and just relaxed for the rest of the day, Ashley (from Australia, who is super amazing and i love her and can't wait until she comes to seattle to stay with me!) came over to hang out with us before she leaves tomorrow and caught us up on Amsterdam, because she's been here a couple days. We went out and got some food, came back and just hung out like typical friends do, chatting and giggling, listening to music. MISS YOU ALREADY ASHLEY! hopefully ill get to see her the night i get to Berlin before she leaves the next morning there.

Tomorrow will be chalk full of events for Silvia and I, so sleep is much needed!

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