Tuesday 14 July 2015

Canterbury tales By: Katie

My first official day in Canterbury.
After having a nice, relaxing hermit of a day when I got here, it was time to be productive today! So I started off doing my grow up things. Aka: Grocery shopping, laundry etc. Got tons of things at my favorite discount store Lidl. I would compare it to Grocery outlet I think. Has everything every other store has, but WAYYY cheaper and that's just what I needed since I would rather use my money for fun things and gifts for people. So now that's all done, my clothes are hanging everywhere in my room because, why pay for my clothes to dry when they can dry for free...

same theory applies to getting to town. Why pay for a bus, even though its not expensive, when I can take an extra 10 minutes and walk there. First off I should not be lazy and take a bus when town is so close anyway and second, I just hate spending money on things that I can do for free... That's my Papa John Jovanovich talking, "why would you spend your money on a damn bus, just walk it yourself, ya know we had to walk a lot further when I was a kid" or another favorite response papa likes " that's to God damn much to be paying for a bus". I love that old man.

so now that I made it to town your probably wondering what I did, how did the town look?, do you like it?. Well lets see I weaved through all the little streets and allies, looking at shops. Got some coffee in a tiny little shop, and walked around some more. I bought a super cute coat that fold up into the pocket of the coat so its very compact! Yay for not taking up space! Then I treated myself to a burger at Burger Bros, which was a tiny little place in a little ally where there weren't a lot of people, AND had the most refreshing, mouthwatering, sweet tooth quenching, perfectly presented salted caramel biscuit (same thing as cookie) malt shake! It was heavenly, I think they even have little angels perfectly drizzle the caramel and place each sprinkle exactly where it needed to go...

after that I took a little gondola ride up and down this tiny river, hearing history of the town and the fact that in this little river they use to throw there poop and whatever else waste product into it and then to punish people for crimes, such as but not limited to: Selling rotten meat, nagging your husband too much, steeling, etc. They would put you on this chair and dunk you in the putrid waters to teach you a lesson. But now its just about the cleanest clearest water you can find in a river.

after that to wrap up my day, I met a woman who was, lets just say.... A horse.of a different color, if you will, and we went on a walk to town and saw some Traditional English dancing, which was pretty pathetic compared to us Croatians. I mean they 'tried' I guess to wear costumes but really they all wore white tennis shoes and white denim pants and the vests and hats?... Weirdos.... There's dancing was literally just hopping around too. I think the accordion player was my favorite by far. But after that I moseyed on back cause they were just to ridiculous, and got cozy, ready for my day 2 in Canterbury tomorrow!

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