Sunday 26 July 2015

A Peak at Prague

Well I made it to Prague this afternoon!
I arrived by bus and my directions said I needed to take an underground and then a tram....
okay so first of all, the money here is SO confusing! And I thought this girl from a previous hostile had given me her left over money for Prague but I was wrong...
I had to pee so bad when I got off the bus, but you need money for that because God forbid you use the toilets for free in Europe! Well the lady manning the bathroom didn't speak English, but was very clear that I couldn't use the bathroom because I didn't have money, so I held it and thought, huh I'll get to my hostile pretty quick and then I'll go there...

An hour of trying to figure out what the cash machines say (they are not in English, nor did they give me the options) and what the ticket machines say (again not in English at all), God sent me a blonde haired angel in a blue shirt and big sunnies on her head!!! This girl heard me struggling and offered to help, noticing her accents I asked where she was from and she replied, South Carolina.
I already forgot her name and feel like such an ass cause she was amazing. But she had been in Prague for school for 9 weeks and was headed home and had come to the station to get a train ticket to the airport for the next day. Just my luck!!

So this magnificent human being helped with the cash machine, helped me with my ticket (only after we ran around trying to get change for the 2000 paper bill of korunas- and no that's not mistyped) I was so thankful I bought her 2$ train ticket for her!
she gave me some tricks of the trade for Prague and off I went to catch my train and my tram.

After a LONGGGGG while, I made it to hostel Santini Prague and its so cute. Almost like a hotel but just slightly not as nice. Still very nice though. Got settled, and walked around the city for a little while.

First things first, I kept seeing people with these sugary treats that were like a tube, so my first step out the door was to find them and buy one... And ill probably get one everyday till I leave :D

I'm VERY happy I'm in Prague, this place is so cute and I love it. Cobblestone roads, tons of shops and venders, beautiful architecture, water where you can rent paddle boats and such. Its lively and just my kind of place! Can't wait for these next four nights

I then had a lovely evening with two of my girl rookies! We went out to dinner and had a great time and amazing food! Prague is going well so far.

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