Wednesday 15 July 2015

The days of Canterbury past

Had a very relaxing morning. Woke up to pee at about 6ish and then decided to try and sleep some more, which I did (thumbs up, and a smirk) when I finally got up I went about my morning like a snail comes out of his shell.. Slow, lay in bed, get up and out again, go back, and finally perk up and start moving like I'm made of cement. Got to talk to momma bear, where she told me about her new hobby in essential oils.... Mom I love you and this is so great and interesting, but lets not go over board on buying things that are going to pile up and sit in a box in the corner of the room when you decide your now really into making your own recycled toilet paper, or something like that... I can see you now reading this ( 'oh whatever!' And then rolling your eyes and giving me a sassy, I'm gonna kick your ass look) LOVE YOUU and super excited about your oils! Can't wait to hear what your learning! (I promise that was not sarcasm, I am actually interested in what you find out..)

Had yogurt and granola for breakfast and watched some adventure time on my phone before finally heading into town..

PARENTAL ADVISORY: (I describe a man)
I got to the edge of town and a very attractive (from behind because I couldn't see his face) man started walking in front of me. Maroon shorts that were just short enough to really accentuate his nice lookin, muscular thighs. beautiful clean cut dark brown hair and my very favorite thing on a man.. Scruff. Not too much that he starts to look like a tweeker hippie, and not to short that it looks like he, one , just forgot to shave, or two looks like he can barely grow facial hair in the first place and is trying really hard to make it happen. I decided since I had no plans for the day to just see where he goes.. Call me a creep, yes I followed him a little longer than a normal person should... He stopped at the bank and I kept going.. So there, not THAT creepy, I mean its not like I stood there watching him from across the street till he left! I didn't really, I swear.

okay now that my creep moment of the day was done early, I basically just roamed around town, in and out of shops, stopped for coffee and then roamed some more, nothing to exciting. They had a market going on all day so I suppose that was pretty nice, the sun poked out to say hey for a little and then it left, the big ball of jerk! Oh and I bought the same exact coat I bought yesterday because I know when the one I have gets a hole I'm gonna be mad so I thought, meh ill just stock up and call it good. It was only 5£ anyway.

THEN! and old lady stopped me and asked if I wanted to take part in a sunscreen/lotion survey, I was hesitant until she told me I would get 10£ for doing it and then I said 'oh great lets go now!' Maybe a little to eager. It was fine and easy and I got my lunch money for the day so BOOOYAAHHH!

next i stopped for lunch and had the worst fish and chips ever. It was like the fish was mushy, I'm really hoping I don't become queen and sit on the porcelain throne all night... There's a 50/50 chance that will happen...
to boost my spirits, I went back to Burger Bro's and got me another milkshake, this time it was a delicately crafted salted caramel pretzel malt shake.. Again, heavenly! The girl from the day before remembered me and I sat and chatted with her and the owner for a bit before paying and leaving to the words of the owner 'see you later my sweet!' *melt*

To wrap up my day I went to the Westgate gardens, passed by the Canterbury castle (which was under construction), attempted to follow the signs to St. Augustine's abbey (never found because the signs in this town were clearly made by blind people... No offense if your blind... Although if you are I'm not sure you would be reading my blog in the first place? Maybe someone's reading it to you? Never mind)..
Walked home after getting a few more essentials for the rest of my trip (converter plug, waterproof phone case, etc) and am going to pack my stuff, leave some clothes behind here, and get ready to head to Belgium tomorrow!!!

Heads up: My next post is going to be a doozy... Spoilers... I sit on a bus for 10 hours 😆

Side note: Mingo found a flock of the same feather today at the store.. He said they were super judgey and that they were being dicks.. His words not mine...

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