Wednesday 16 September 2015

How I Survived 3 Months In Europe: the diary of a solo traveler.

81 days
30 towns
22 cities for sleepovers
17 different hostels
11 different countries
5 different long distance bus companies
3 long distant trains
2 Airbnb
2 ferries
1 taxi
1 campsite with a VERY small tent
too many beers and cocktails to count
AND a countless number of friends of whom I still keep in touch with, even after being back in the states

Traveling was once a distance dream. I loved the sound of traveling and exploring, but there were always the typical reasons I decided toehold off. I need a good job, I need money, I have other obligations, what about my dogs. As a new auntie, I even put it off because I was afraid I would be forgotten. And then, I made the plunge. I bought the tickets, I got more jobs, I made traveling my number one priority. And it completely paid off.

In about 6-7 months, I was able to save a comfortable 13,000 dollars. All because I wanted traveling to be my number one priority.

Tip: if you really want to do something, buck up, stop giving excuses, and DO IT!

I know so many people who yammer on about how they would love to travel and love to this or that, yet they stay in the same rut and never end up doing it. One thing I did was never speak of my trip in the far future, or put any wishy washy words around my trip. No 'i MIGHT' or 'maybe' or even 'i thinks'. Talking about my trip as a for sure thing, even before it was a for sure thing, somehow helped in the process of taking the jump into the unknown.

I assure anyone thinking its as easy as booking a ticket and just going, its not THAT easy. I now had to look after everything, and if I hadn't traveled, there is a lot of things i wouldn't have learned. I learned more about life, money, scheduling, math, distance, and currency than I have ever learned in school. Getting out into the world was more practically informative than anything in the world. If your rolling your eyes and thinking, 'wow, this girl is stupid, how could this be better than school and how could she not have learned this in school' news flash you moron, who's  probably a snob but no one knows it accept all your friends but they don't want to tell you, not everyone learns the same and I guarantee you couldn't survive on the streets in a different country without looking as stupid as you sound, and I bet all your uptight business money that common sense is not your forte. So shut up.

If anyone knows me well, they know that I'm a very outgoing, easygoing, and friendly person. Yes this is true, yes it helped a lot on my trip, however, even if I was shy and closed off, I can still see myself traveling Europe just fine. If your give your personality as an excuse, you may as well just curl up and lock yourself in a house the rest of your life because that is the worst most bogus excuse there is. I have met several people who were shy, closed off, or just nervous to be traveling alone, and by the end of their first day, they have about 10 new friends to go out with at night. Everyone traveling has fears, worries and concerns about meeting people, or fitting in, or being lonely while they travel, buts its absolutely impossible to not make at least one friend while your out discovering the world.
Sure, there were some cities I didn't make friends in, but that was a time for me to tame a break, have some me time, and maybe catch up with friends I met previously in my travels, maybe ask some advice. It all turned out just fine!!

Now, as my summer travels wrap up  in a warm blanket of amazing memories and friends, I miss every second of all the emotions, people, places, and experiences I had, good AND bad.

The road was long and difficult, starting with just a thought, of which I expected to be one of those unrealistic dreams that you talk about but never follow through with, and making travel my oh so very realistic reality, I can confidently say that I am proud I followed through, hopping on a plane and letting my fight or flight instinct kick in! Survival of the fittest. I know what I'm capable of, and I tend to push those limits further and further, and can confidently say ill be off on another adventure soon!

I, katie jovanovich, went from feeling a high level of anxiety and worry while walking around 45 minutes in the Dublin airport to traveling roughly 1900miles down to Dubrovnik, Croatia.

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